My Articles

The Role of Threat Intelligence Sharing in Collective Defense | Cyware | Blog

492 BC - The Battle of Marathon was to begin. After 9 days of waiting for the other side to attack, the Athenians directly charged the Persians in a Phalanx formation. It should be noted that the Persian army was far greater in number and strength, and yet it was defeated by the Athenian force. Before going into war, the Athenians analyzed their adversary’s capabilities, techniques, and tools. Due to the significantly lower number of forces as compared to the Persians, they called for the collec

Night Sky Ransomware's Ride From Dawn Till Dusk | Cyware Hacker News

A new report shed light on the behavior of the Night Sky ransomware and provided a list of IoCs along with mitigation. First discovered in January, it uses the double extortion tactic.

by Vedere Labs provides several details about Night Sky, whose samples were first spotted in January during a short campaign that targeted two victims from Bangladesh and Japan.
• None It was discovered as executables developed to run on Windows x64. The files were disguised with names such as unknown, wzl6rs0i6[

BlackByte Ransomware - Wilder And Scarier Than Ever | Cyware Hacker News

Researchers from Palo Alto Networks' Unit 42 have published an assessment report regarding BlackByte ransomware. The report includes details regarding the newly discovered samples of the ransomware.

observed multiple variants of BlackByte ransomware in the wild. These variants are written in Go and DotNET, and one variant was found written with a mix of Go and C languages.
• None The ransomware payloads are packed using UPX and possess worm capabilities.
• None The samples have icons attached t

Financial Sector Faces Ransomware Attacks, Now More Than Ever | Cyware Hacker News

Ransomware has been plaguing every sector, especially since the dark pandemic clouds covered the entire world. However, research shows that the financial sector is facing heavy challenges as the cybercrime cartels evolve. VMware’s Modern Bank Heists 5.0 report states that threat actors have moved from hacking wire transfers to targeting market data. Here are some more findings from the report.

Some stats your way
• None Sixty-three percent of financial institutions admitted to suffering a rise

AMBERSQUID Cryptojacking Operation: Unusual AWS Services Under Attack | Cyware Hacker News

A new cryptojacking operation has been found targeting lesser-known AWS offerings such as AWS Amplify, AWS Fargate AMBERSQUID , the campaign manages to exploit these cloud services without triggering AWS's usual resource approval process. The services are referred to as uncommon since they are overlooked from a security perspective.

Sysdig revealed that it came across this campaign by examining 1.7 million images on Docker Hub.
• None It's worth noting that the first account was established in

Microsoft Teams Phishing Campaign Deploys DarkGate Malware | Cyware Hacker News

A new phishing campaign is using Microsoft Teams messages to distribute the DarkGate Loader malware through malicious attachments. DarkGate emerged in 2018 and is a potent malware with multiple capabilities.
• None These accounts were used to deceive Microsoft Teams users into downloading a ZIP file named "Changes to the vacation schedule."
• None Clicking on this attachment would initiate the download of the ZIP file from a SharePoint URL, which actually contained an LNK file pretending to be a

What is the Role of Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) in a Security Operations Center (SOC)? | Cyware Educational Guides | Educational Guides

Monitoring your network for malicious activities requires you to know what these cyber adversaries are doing, what the activities look like, and most importantly, how to find these activities on your networks and systems. All you have is a lot of bread crumbs and no definite trail.

It is the responsibility of a Security Operations Center (SOC) analyst to analyze these bread crumbs and attribute them to adversaries and understand their attack patterns. However, cyberattacks are constantly evolvi

Combining SOAR and TIP for Intel-Driven SecOps | Cyware Educational Guides | Educational Guides

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) and Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) are the linchpin of a robust security posture. However, when used standalone, their true potential is difficult to unleash. Simply put, the fusion of these two technologies can help you scale up intelligence-driven security operations. For a modern-day security team, combining SOAR and TIP has become more of a necessity now because of the effective use cases it can provide.

Although the concept of SOA

Operational Threat Intelligence | Specific Attack Protection | Educational Guides

Despite that, there is a specific threat intelligence discipline dedicated to identifying specific attacks. This educational blog tackles operational threat intelligence.

Consumers of operational threat intelligence want intelligence on all bad actors that pose a threat to their organizations. However, it is crucial that organizations focus on operational threat intelligence that can be practically obtained, as in-depth intel on nation-state threat actors is neither a feasible nor realistic req

Things You Need To Know About Technical Threat Intelligence | Cyware Educational Guides | Educational Guides

As cyberattacks get more sophisticated, the cyberworld needs a new line of security defenses. This increasing complexity has given rise to greater attack surfaces, which, in turn, led to changes in cyberattacks in forms, sophistication, and functions. These attacks are conducted by well-funded and organized threat actors whose aims range from financial gains to political aims.

With conventional defenses falling short, there is a need for a real-time system for threat intelligence sharing. Advan

What is Tactical Threat Intelligence and Why is it Important? | Cyware Educational Guides | Educational Guides

Scenario: you are the king in charge of a vast empire. Naturally, you have enemies who are after your kingdom and everything that comes with it. So, you need intel on your adversaries, their strengths and weaknesses, and their attack tactics. At that age, you’d usually find that out from previous encounters and experiences that either you or your peer kingdoms faced.

Now, let’s jump to the modern world. You have an organization and you still need threat intelligence because no organization is s

Strategic vs. Tactical Threat Intelligence | Cyber Threat Intelligence | Cyware Educational Guides | Educational Guides

Threat intelligence comes in various forms - broad and generic, highly technical, informative, or urgent actionable insights. If we brush through the surface, threat intelligence might seem like a singular discipline. However, diving deep, threat intel can be categorized into strategic, technical, tactical, and operational types. This educational guide will talk about strategic and tactical threat intelligence and how one is different from the other. While these two differ in various ways, an ap

Deepfakes Explained

In my last blog, I talked about AI/ML from the perspective of a non-techie. In this one, I will be talking about deepfakes. Let’s start with a simple explanation of them.

Did you see that video where Nancy Pelosi seemed to slur her speech? Or the one where Bill Hader morphed into Seth Rogen and Tom Cruise? President Nixon giving a speech about the Apollo 11 moon landing where all the astronauts died?

If you have seen these videos, you must know how dangerous deepfake technology can be. The ter

A Non-Technical Guide to AI/ML for Security | Blog

I write this blog in the hopes of breaking the stereotype: AI/ML is reserved only for the technical audience.

You must know that whenever a new technology was invented, people always found a way to freak out. For example, fire, wheel, computers, electricity, and so on. Although we all soon came around to appreciating the inventions, we are still a tad bit anxious when it comes to computers.

Don’t get me wrong. We are attached to our screens these days, but with attachment come concerns. The so


It was 17 minutes to 2 P.M. in the afternoon and we were putting our big heads together to come up with a suitable hashtag for the 11th edition of Nullcon. We looked like we were fighting but we were, really, trying to come up with something that would get you hooked on to Nullcon 2020. I write this sitting on my office table, which should tell you how excited I am to let you in on the secret of #Vaishyanath.

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there lived a religious woman. She did her